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Fiji Day - A Celebration of Independance

Mia Lambdin

Oceania is the smallest continent, consisting of the four subregions, Australasia, Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia – meaning within this continent there are a range of diverse communities. Within this continent there is the country of Fiji, which lies North of New Zealand and holds many aspects of unique culture.

One event that they celebrate is Fiji Day which has taken place annually every October 10th since 1970, the anniversary of Fiji’s independence from British colonial rule, as well as the day in 1874 when King Seru Epenisa Cakobau surrendered Fiji to the United Kingdom. The celebrations last for the preceding week, all cumulating on Fiji Day. A different theme is chosen each year – for example, 2021 was ‘togetherness for a sustainable Fiji’ – with various cultural performances and spotlights given to religious ceremonies throughout the event.

It is common for Fijians to celebrate the holiday by dressing up in traditional clothing and re-enacting the events of October 10th, 1874, when Fiji was ceded. For other communities living in the many Fiji islands, the day is an opportunity for them to pay homage to their own cultures too.

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