Who’s on your team?
Seren, Alex, Nomesh, Sashin, Fola, Yinan
What's your goal?
Seren: Our goal is to confidently produce a well thought-out, thorough budget plan that can allow each group to develop a concept for the festival to their full potential. We also aim to research into developing relationships with sponsors for the festival allowing The Wave as an agency to develop further in further years.
Nomesh: Currently trying to write down a perfect budget plan and allocate enough funds to each team. Utilizing the fullest of our potentials to get the best outcomes.
What have you been doing?
Seren: Working together with each group to contribute equally to the final outcome.
Nomesh: As the team lead, I’m making sure that every one of us contributes to the festival with their utmost potential.
What have you been contributing?
Seren: I have been overseeing the overall group work, allowing everyone to work to their full potential.
Nomesh: I have currently worked out a funding strategy and a revenue model for the festival and currently working on creating the festival budget.
Comments on the festival?
Seren: The festival seems to be coming together well, I can see this being a successful festival bringing the community together.
Nomesh: We are sure that the Wave Fest will turn out to be a hit. There is a lot of effort going in to make things works and hope everything works out the best for everyone.
Comments on the agency?
Seren: The agency is fun and new, and works well in collaboration with students as well as trying to intertwine the community as a whole.
Nomesh: Working from people of different fields has been enriching, there is a lot of new knowledge to learn. There is always something new and exciting to learn about. Made a lot of friends during the process and love working for the agency.